Although it might be unclear, uncomfortable and sometimes painful, the friction of life takes us somewhere farther than we could have went without it.
Who you votin for?
OK, you really don't have to tell us who you are voting for, but I got this link from my friend Nat and it was very insightful so I thought I'd pass it on if you want to give it a look-sie. I'm really using my Okie accent today, huh?
That link will lead you to a 20-question quiz, and it will tell you which candidates you are most like and unlike on many issues.
Check it out and post your result. I was most like Rudy Guiliani and Ron Paul and most unlike Obama. I was surprised. I am not planning on voting for any of those 3. Brandon was most like Ron Paul and most unlike Obama as well. I guess at least we are on the same page :)
What about you?