
Hey friends! We will be continuing the "faces of the Internet campus" tomorrow. It's been a lot of fun getting to display some of the personalities of the IC :)

We went to adoption training yesterday. It took a toll on us this week. Lots of heavy issues were discussed on what these kids might have gone through and the losses they experience. Very heartbreaking. I'm sure there will be some blog posts about that at a later time.

Lot's of family stuff going on right now too (like my sister's wedding, a mission trip, etc). Basically stuff to look forward to.

I think B and I decided on Seattle for our getaway. We've never been there and are about to start mapping out places to go. We might even drive on up into Canada. We are super pumped about this trip!!

What's been going on in your lives? We enjoy "connecting" with all of you through our blog. This has been a great outlet for us to explore. Thanks for reading and commenting!!!