Friday follow-up #3

Is it Friday again? Crazy how fast the week goes!....
  • We are planning on going to see "Narnia: Prince Caspian" tomorrow with the boys on our AMC gift card. Can't wait. This is one movie the boys have been anticipating more than us. UPDATE: We saw it on Saturday and all LOVED it! It was a great family day:)
  • B and I shot some video footage yesterday (compliments of Mr. Kevin Ely) to be shown in week 2 of Fanatic at church. Brandon is so used to the camera that it's like second nature. I, on the other hand, get silly and giggly when I'm nervous. Fortunately, Kevin is a great editor!
  • Bought the boys new swimsuits yesterday- yah! They only have 6 more days of school- I absolutely LOVE summertime. This is a time of year I truly am thankful that I get to stay home with my boys and enjoy every day of the summer.
  • Brandon is addicted to "Planet Earth". We rented the DVDs from the local library and they really are spectacular. Have you seen any of it?
  • Our anniversary is next week, I'll have to post more about that later.
  • We have a mission trip at the end of the month that I will be posting about as well.
What are you up to? Read any good books lately? Seen any good movies you'd like to recommend? (pretty sure you know by now we are movie junkies).