Well, it's Thursday the 20th...and I am so stinkin excited about Survivor starting tonight. This is one show that Brandon and I have followed since Season 1. (Brandon even tried out for it right before Season 2-FYI).
I think I love Thursdays because they are Brandon's "Friday" night. We usually eat, and then sit down as a family and watch Survivor together. Merrick is really into it- Ethan could care less. Side note: we do have the remote handy so we can change the channel during the CSI commercials!! Then we read, put the boys to bed. It's just a relaxing evening each week.
Bran and I are really looking forward to Survivor being in China this season! With our plans for adoption, and wanting to visit China, we are excited about getting a glimpse of the country-even if it's through a TV screen and on a reality show:)
So- what are you doing tonight? What's your favorite night of the week?