Then, we went and had dinner (Indian tacos..yummy) and dessert of course (funnel cakes)!. Let's just say the fair is not great for the diet.
As we entered the gate, we came to an "educational petting zoo". Right when we walked in, 2 turtles were mating. It was like National geographic right before our eyes. Our boys were like "look- the turtle is trying to crawl over the other one".....Brandon convinced them they were playing "leap frog". We were SO disappointed that our camera was at home. I've never seen, or heard I might add, turtles making out! Definitely VERY educational!:)
We went to the "lumberjack" show which was incredible. They threw axes at targets, they chopped through huge trees with saws...it was again, something we don't see everyday.
We caught the diving show. These guys go higher than you would believe and do all sorts of flips into the water. Just looking at them up there made me nervous!
Lastly, we rode up in the "needle" which gives you a full view of the city. We rode it during the day and the night. It really was beautiful.
Even though we spent too much, I am glad that we went and supported our state. Oklahoma is OK!!:)