Big or small? City or country? (pt. 1 of 2)

We just rolled back into town after a mini-getaway with some friends. Brandon fly-fished for the first time (and loved it!) and I went shopping (of course!). These friends live in a small town. It was a welcomed change of pace. We talked on the way home about if we would want to move back to a small town or stay in a big city. We see the pros and cons with each of them.

I grew up in a small town. I graduated with about 100 people. It was a great experience. Brandon graduated from a private school with about 14 others. His family had to drive about 20-30 minutes just for groceries.

So the question is big or small? City or country? Which do YOU prefer? Where did you grow up? Where did you graduate from and what was it like? Do you live in about the same size city that you grew up in? Please share!