Out of your element?

I think I'm starting to grow up a bit! I'm starting to realize things that I enjoy and don't enjoy, as well as things I am good at and not so good at.

Recently, I have been put in situations where I am leading where I just don't feel comfortable. It's a stretch for me. You know how you do things that come natural and easy? Well, that's where I like to be. Not that I want life to be easy, but I want to function in areas where God has gifted me. I want to be challenged for a season, but I shouldn't stay there- it's just NOT natural.

Let me give you an example. I love to love on people. I do that through hospitality. Hospitality can be shown in many different ways. My way is trying to make people feel relaxed and comfortable. There are times when I am not "trying" at all and people will tell me that I made them feel "welcome" or comfortable. It's something that just comes natural.

Then, put me in a situation where I am out of my element and I crumble. I begin to look inward, get insecure, get nervous...it becomes something that I think I can do but really can't. I take it all in my own power rather than letting God work through me. I am learning to say no in these situations because it's OK to not be good at everything! I would rather do a few things well, than do several things mediocre.

What are your natural gifts? What makes you "out of your element"? Tell us about a situation where you have succeeded or a situation where you bombed.