Man's Traditions vs God's Commands

Mark 7:1-13

Verse 9: "You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions! "

To often our traditions become as important as God's commands. Many times they become more important. The problem is as innocent and worthy as a tradition starts, it can actually become a barrier to fulfilling God's commands. Traditions are a powerful thing, and the church has had a very difficult time remembering the difference between their traditions and their God given commands. Verse 9 was Jesus words to the religious leaders, who had become blind to God's heart because of their traditions.

I have been leading an Internet Campus for the last few years, and it has forced me to contemplate the difference. I don't want to dishonor God, and at the same time, I want to passionately spread the gospel to the world with whatever means possible. It is amazing how big of a hold traditions have on all of us. Being clear on the distinction between God's orders and our traditions is a worthy goal.