Awaken the Dawn!

Psalm 108:1-5

I love David's passion around worship and music.  I think we sometimes forget this man was a world ruler, yet he loved to lose himself in worship towards God for all the nations to see and hear.  Music was his tool.  David understood and embraced music as a powerful tool of worship.  I long to worship like that, to embrace music for its intended purpose.  I believe everyone has this desire built in them to worship God with our fullest emotions and in complete abandon.  At some point, we just begin to suppress it or de-value its importance.  Music is a powerful key to the heart.  It is the language of emotions, and it is not something to shy away from when we use it in worship toward God.  Instead we should fully embrace music as David did.  David told the instruments to wake up because he was going to awaken the dawn with his praise to God!  I love that!

What if all those who were followers of Christ had this perspective of worship and acted accordingly?  

Awaken the Dawn!