Check out these posts!

We are a bit swamped at the moment and lacking in time and creativity :) so I thought I'd post some thought provoking/interesting sites for you to visit today...

1) Cindy Beall- Cindy is writing about her story of infidelity. If you haven't read this before- it's a MUST read. I attend Cindy's women's group and she is such a blessing to all of those around her. Go visit her blog and leave her a comment of what it speaks to you.

2) Anne Jackson- Anne is at it again! She is trying to raise enough money for 50,000 pairs of shoes for orphans. Our church did something similar recently and it's a great cause. Go over there and sign up. It's only $2.50 for a pair of shoes!! You can spare 5 bucks, right??

3) Tony Morgan- Tony is talking about how we should resign from our jobs if we are not in our "dream job". They have tons of discussion happening over there so go check it out!!

We'll be back to posting soon...