Killing Curiousity? (3 of 3)

First, we opened the question "is the church killing curiosity?". Second, we saw how curiosity was a major reason for the explosion of the ancient church, which was a heavily persecuted and private group. I thought I would end with some of my personal thoughts about being salt (see part 1).

As I have thought and written these posts, I have asked myself "how am I not being salt?" and "what does it mean to be salt?". Since I am all about embracing the friction, here is a personal confession. I am more comfortable telling people about the hope found in Jesus, His truth, His love, the need they have deep inside; than I am living it out. In fact, I actually believe that my ability to bridge their need to Jesus, to give the answer, to explain the gospel is more effective than me living that truth out. I have this strong tendency to help them understand their need as if they would not know it without my help. I feel like I have to explain the answer to them clearly. I feel like I have to convince them. Oh, it is not always conscious, but my actions prove this to be true.

But salt is not about being the answer. It is about living in the answer. It is the catalyst to bring thirst. Jesus is the answer, the water of life. Don't get me wrong we are called to know the reason for the hope that is within us, but we are also reminded that we are to be set a apart, a peculiar people, aliens. And to be honest, there is not much difference between my life and the non-believer down the street. What is it that sets me apart? What is it about my life (the way I live) that creates an insatiable curiosity in those around me? I am thinking that we do not have a problem of people hearing the answer. We have a problem of people seeing the answer.