
Psalm 125

One word jumps today, "FOREVER."  Forever is honestly not a perspective I get at all.  I talk about it but easily get lost in the weeds.  Verse 1 and verse 2 have some promises about forever that are tremendous!  
  1. Those who trust in the Lord can't be moved but stand forever.  I don't normally "feel" this, so I easily forget this TRUTH!  No matter what we face, as a child of God we will stand.  No matter how we feel as follower of Jesus we stand.  It is not the absence of pain, but the constant presence of hope.
  2. Like the powerful mountains, the Lord surrounds his people...FOREVER!  We are not alone.  We are never alone.  We are never on the outside.  We are in the protective embrace of Jesus.  He doesn't put us out of his protection for a special life lesson,  Instead those painful life lessons are in the protective watch of God.  
I don't always "feel" these truths of forever.  But today I am reminded; I believe; and I walk in their truth.